The Gentlemen Radio Episode 168: The Mads are Back: A Chat With Trace Beaulieu and Frank Conniff

In this episode, Gentleman Patrick and special guest host Jessie Stapp sit down with the legendary Trace Beaulieu and Frank Conniff of Mystery Science Theater 3000, Cinematic Titanic, and their current movie riffing venture, The Mads Are Back. The two are touring the country riffing on bad movies just the two of them and offering a fantastic experience for fans that includes a Q & A and meet and greet of the sort you would normally have to pay exorbitant amounts to manage.

Trace and Frank came to the Loft Cinema here in Tucson with Ed Wood classic Glen or Glenda and were gracious enough to sit down with us for a half an hour before the show. Jessie and I are both enormous fans of everything these guys do (I would dare say they are both heroes of mine) so it was an amazing experience and a pretty great podcast. It should be noted that we recorded outside so occasionally there is some wind and road noise but it is not too bad.

Huge thanks go out to the Loft in general and Programming Director Jeff for letting us record the show on their patio. If you are local to Tucson or ever come to visit and love movies go check out the Loft. They are my favorite theater in town and their programming is always on point. Of particular interest to those into film riffing is Mondo Monday, a weekly feature at the Loft in which batshit crazy movies are shown and riffing is encouraged. Films start at 8pm for the low price of $3 ($2 for Loft members). You can check out what the Loft has to offer here.

Alright, dig in to the show!

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