After the Credits with Nick and Pat Episode 1

Welcome to the first ever episode of After the Credits with Nick and Pat a new film review podcast that takes the bold stance of being another movie review podcast! What do Nick and Pat bring to the table? Experience for one. Patrick has been writing film reviews for eight years and has co-written four independent films. Nick is a writer, director, and a movie lover of the highest order. Together Nick and Pat have come together to bring classiness and civility to film criticism stemming from a deep and true love of movies and all that represents. The rating system does not focus on an arbitrary number or grading system that supersedes the review itself but rather a recommendation progression that goes from  “See This Right Away in the Theater” or “Wait for Late Night TBS.”

On the flagship episode the boys review Joy, the Hateful Eight, and the Revenant. Join them won’t you on a journey of discovery or at the very least on a podcast by two dudes you have never heard of talking about movies. Boom!






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