Almost Human (FOX)S1E10 *SPOILERS*


Here we go…

We open on an OKCupid Eye Close Up Picture

Apparently students are in the holodeck…the holodeck of MATH! Look bees and symphonies are great but if you have a holodeck and you aren’t using it to be a pirate, you are doing it wrong. Also I am pretty sure you aren’t supposed to drop over dead either.


It is weird that there was no ‘previously on’ segment.

Post it technology has really come a long way.

Dorian rats out Kennex for not really being on his way. Kennex is not happy about it at all. Dorian does not pull punches when it comes to haircuts.

Kennex is having flashbacks. The future is great, you don’t need acid for flashbacks.

The two dead girls were genetically engineered and had containers triggered to unlock with their DNA. ‘chromes’ don’t have addiction issues as defects are removed during sequencing. Bad idea? Hard to make an argument against it although I am betting this episode aims to do just that.

Things are not well with Kennex. Dorian notices. Will Dorian rat…yes, yes he will. The Captain is not pleased.


Recollectionist sounds like a new series starting this fall. Diarrhea jokes are always fun. Dorian is concerned that Kennex is taking drugs to help his memory.  Kennex tough guys his way past him.

The drugs that are killing kids is not exclusive to Chromes. Looks like a group of friends is using this drug. No record of the recordings given to the police. Might be an inside job. My money is on Douche Cop. Dammit, it wasn’t Douche Cop. On the plus side we haven’t seen him this episode. Fingers crossed.

Stahl is a chrome. For some reason it is weird that she is a cop. Apparently there is some prejudice between gifted kids and chromes. Gattaca! Gattaca!


Yeah Blondy Chrome kid is a dick nozzle. Some weirdness between the teenagers.  They are falling into the tried and true trope of rich genetically superior people are smug assholes who think they can get away with it. That is a thing right?


It is kind of creepy that Dorian can have people’s DNA on file. Turns out the drug was custom made for the person’s DNA to affect several different neurotransmitters for hallucinogenic effects. I love this show so much I can taste it. Drugs were manufactured on ‘chem printer.’

Kennex is starting to lose it with the flashbacks. Chess pieces figure prominently. Kennex almost impales Dorian in the face after running off the road. Dorain has a ridiculous bandage on his ear. Cracks wise about it. He is the best robot ever.

The drug dealer is a ginger. I wonder if he has a genetically engineered soul.


He is pretty much nuts. Thinks he is seeing the conversation happening in the room. He is on the drug at the moment and is too drugged to not tell the truth. He says that the drug expands the mind. Kennex is going down a logical rabbit hole of smartness. I wish that you can run someone in for being a smug asshole.

The Dealer says that his machine was hacked and that the doses were inflated so that the girls would OD. Kennex doesn’t buy it.




Apparently everybody knows Marshall. But Ginger Dealer isn’t saying. Kennex lets Dorian drive. I think they are going to start choosing rings soon.

Looks like the dad of one of the girls might be in on it. I really want it to be Marshall. He is such a dickbag.

Meeting the Captain for drinks after work. This is not a normal business meeting. She is calling him on the carpet for using the memory drug. Kennex wants to find his ex and bring her down. And now they have to talk to internal affairs. I approve that the bar was like something out of Mass Effect.


UH OH KENNEX! Your Recollectionist works for the DHARMA INITIATIVE!


More flashbacks. It must really suck when your girlfriend turns out to be a terrorist who kills most of your unit and takes one of your legs.

Russian nesting dolls hold the key but nothing helpful in the holo post-it.  DNA tech is stonewalling but Kennex strong arms her…with charm.

Star Wars Nesting Dolls

The dad asks for an attorney right away. Bad sign, chet. Attorneys can appear holographically to be a thorn in the cops’s side. Dad turns off his attorney when he finds out about the homicides. Dad tampered with evidence to protect daughter. Turns out the original girl’s mom is probably the one who killed them.

Douche Cop finds a memory stick in Ginger Dealer’s room. Ginger Dealer is still not really talking.


Ginger Dealer breaks down about Lilah. He loved her in kind of a douchie way. He didn’t want her on the drug. The drug works differently on normals than on chromes. It makes normal people feel limited and bad. She didn’t die of a drug overdose, she killed herself for not being special enough. Mom killed a bunch of girls for no good reason, as it turns out. Oopsie.  Mother still blames the drug. Her obsession has an impact on Kennex for his. This episode is kind of heartbreaking.

Uh oh! Internal Affairs is in the house. He is wearing Google Glasses. It makes him look 30% more like a dick. IA is attacking Kennex for his girlfriend getting his files.  Kennex does not take kindly to it.


Kennex is getting rid of his post-its out of frustration. This is the sort of moment when House would have an epiphany. DNA tech calls to report that the Nesting doll had nano tech listening devices in the paint. Yikes!

That is it for this week, another great episode! Only a couple more left of season one!



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