The Gentlemen Radio Episode 12: Geekamania is Runnin' Wild Brotha

And we are back  just a little bit later than most weeks but hey the Gentlemen are busy men and things came up. To make up for the delay, the Gentlemen brought all kinds of awesome. We have Susan from Razorbladesammich is back for more geek based goodness including but not limited to talk of geek apparel and the emergence of geek culture and what that means for our society at large. Then we move into our picks for best and most disappointing movies of the year and Jeff actually talks in this segment which is really nice.


Josh’s Recommendation/Thing He’s Excited About: Madea’s Big Alex Cross Movie

Jeff’s Recommendation/Thing He’s Excited About: The Campaign

Patrick’s Ironic Recommendation: A Better Gary Busey Movie than Point Break if only for Yaphet Kotto

Susan’s Recommendation: Hogfather

Charles’s Recommendation: Passion Pit


  1. Oh yeah? Where would you have come down on the issues?

  2. I don’t know if this box can hold it.

    I’ll keep it simple though.

    I can’t believe that no one brought up Spurlock’s Comic Con documentary. There’s a really great segment about a comic dealer and his trials and tribulations of the transformed culture of the Con. I also liked how both of Charles memories of Comic Con were of things that didn’t have comics connected to them.

    I also just find it strange when people who love geek culture don’t like the idea that it’s becoming a much larger thing that it use to be. I understand that some of the new “geek chic” things in our culture can seem a little condescending (I’m looking at you Big Bang Theory), but I can’t bring myself to look down on a wider variety of people liking it. It just seems to me that doing that makes us (as the OG geek culture) no better than the people we complained about judging us five years ago.

    Also, I get all my geek shirts from RedBubble DOT com. It’s a bit pricey, but there’s a large variety of shirts and art work.

  3. I haven’t gotten to see the Comic Con doc yet. I really want to though. I am with you though, I think as long as it is quality, more geek stuff is better than less.

    1. Go to iTunes and rent it now, Patrick! It’s like a soft manly hug to SDCC. And is over far too soon.

      Holly Conrad’s costume work shown is AMAZING. Especially if you’re a fan of well-done practical creature effects.

      Also: is there going to be a Gentlemen Radio episode devoted to Shark Week hitting it’s 25th year?

  4. It’s a pretty good doc. If for nothing else the Mass Effect Cos-play chick’s stuff is amazing.

  5. Sold! Next time you come back to town we should have you on the show again.

  6. Sounds good, man. I’ll be in for the movie in Sept. for sure, but you know I’ll keep you posted if I come before then.

  7. I thought I mentioned Stan Lee sitting on Odin’s throne at Comic-Con… Meh, can’t remember was too tired by the time this episode came up.

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