Mila Dean

Mila has been writing since she learned the alphabet. She is known for always having a notebook and pen on her, and can be observed sliding into her own world to jot a few things down. She has a few things published here and there, but really has to write in order to survive. No, seriously. She would literally die if she stopped.

Beyond writing, Mila is an avid artist. She is fond of photography, tattoo design, digital art, painting with oils, doodling, and pretty much anything else she can get her hands on. She has also been known to throw herself into modeling and acting ventures from time to time, for funsies.

Mila is often accused of being a robot, a reptile, an alien, a vampire, and a werewolf. Sometimes all at once. The truth cannot be revealed at this time. The only thing that is certain is that she is a giant nerd.

You can find Mila on twitter @rabies.


    [Summary 5 out of 10]: From You are Joule Adams, a young survivor of a terrible cataclysm who journeys from Earth to the desert world, “Far Eden” […]

Reposted from my personal blog at There is a pretty massive problem that runs through the general human community. It’s always been there, and I’m pretty sure that it […]