Almost Human (FOX) S1 E8


And here we go


Look just because a dude is running doesn’t mean I am going to make a hackneyed Forest Gump joke…Dammit.


Sniper ended that conversation really quick.


Nothing says support group like a hover Roomba.


Sideburns has a really bad attitude. Kennex is all smiles. It is kind of creepy.

This group leader is putting it all out on front street. Then says ‘what little you’ve told us.’ That was like a seven episode recap.

I love the writing on this show so much. I also love that Kennex called a dude Mr Anal on network television.


Douche Cop is always first on scene because no one loves him.

One bullet? Back an to the left. Back and to the left. Never in history has there been a bullet so ridiculous.


Dorian is tired of this robot’s shit. It is progress when one android is feeling superior to another android. Then the first  android starts yammering about superiority. Then Kennex shoots him in the face. Anger management group is clearly working out.


Commercial Break

Douche Cop is pissed about Kennex shooting his MX. Kennex does not take kindly to threats against Dorian. ‘What do you think he wants to do to my ass?’ This might be the best episode yet.


Dorian is smug about Kennex liking him. I wonder if asses are going to come into this.

The bullet is like Hawkeye in Last of the Mohicans. ‘Stay alive no matter what occurs! I will find you!’ Alright,yeah, you’re right that was a stretch.


A lot of sci-fi material these days seem to think that cell phones will be in people’s palms. That should never happen. It is bad enough when your mom walks in on you while you are jerking off let alone if you accidentally dick dial her.


Tracking systems for advertising. It is only a matter of time. And also a matter of time before that is applied to bullets.


Creepy guys with blue eyes are creepy. So are creepy girls with blue eyes.

Uh oh, victim’s girlfriend is about to be a victim herself.


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Douche Cop is really doubling down on douchiness.

A lot of mythology building in this episode…the Kennex girlfriend betrayal subplot is moving forward. Kennex is not happy about the prospect of a deal.


Now back to the ‘A’ story.

Good to know that style tank top comes back in the future.

Flying bullet POV is pretty cool.

Dorian takes the bullet and the bearded potential gun buyer is not impressed. Dorian is speaking a different language from being gut shot. That is weird.


Commercial break

Dorian is getting scanned by a flying camera. He is still speaking whatever language that is.

Kyra won’t look Dorian in the eyes when she apologizes. For his part, he can’t answer her in English.


Future sirens are annoying as shit.

A lot of MXes look like Robert Patrick. They would be way cooler if they were T1000s.


Kyra starts opening up a bit and by that I mean making it all about her.

Kyra wants to get her mind ‘scrubbed’ apparently Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is a thing in the future. I would scrub the living fuck out of my memories.


Kennex threatens to shoot Rudy if Dorian doesn’t stop singing in Korean. Rudy offers to go under cover if it involves sex bots. It has nothing to do with sex bots. Rudy is a weirdo.

Dorian can speak English again. Maybe they shouldn’t put language controls in a spot in which he is likely to be shot.

It is good to see that safety deposit boxes are still a thing. Also blackmail videos.

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Kyra is a huge fucking dumbass. Why do people always leave protective custody when they know full well magic bullets are looking for them.


Making a murder an infomercial for your magic kill bullet is both clever and messed up.


At this point I think Kyra being killed is just natural selection.

Commercial break

Dorian just took a shit ton of bullets and he is still speaking English. I do not understand DRN technology.


Dorian shows Kyra the extortion video. Kyra continues being a complete idiot. Kennex has to explain like 18 times. They should have let the bad guys shoot her.

He gave her his heart and she gave him a pen.


I hope by ‘walk you out’ Dorian means ‘push into an open elevation shaft.’

Cute Cop gives Kennex an energy chew. He gives her his phone number on a piece of paper. Meanwhile his gun hangs so loosey goosey I am surprised it didn’t shoot five people while he was flirting.


The Captain gives Kennex shit about shooting MXes. The episode should have ended on a freeze frame of them laughing.


And scene


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