Almost Human (FOX) S1: E4


And here we go

Mackenzie Crook looks weirder and weirder every week.

Ah jumping back 24 hours.



Live sea slugs for lunch is great. But no CGI animals were hurt in the filming of this episode.


I don’t like this whole ‘talking into your palm’ cell phone thing. What if you accidentally dick dial while masturbating? That is no good for anybody.

The bald Guy Pearce needs to see him cook…and then he needs to shoot the guy in the head…and stab that guy.


Subcutaneous wire…that gets you executed.


The Bends…it’s not just for going crazy in James Cameron movies and Radiohead albums anymore

Could someone close the corpse’s eyes please or at least not keep showing us close ups?


First Commercial break


Kennex really needs new shoulder holsters. They look like really crappy suspenders.

Douche cop is a douche.


Yay! David Aceveda is here to fuck it all up. If Vic Mackey walks in I am going to shit myself.


Kennex is super loyal to his friend. Dorian is making jokes about Kennex killing himself. He might be jealous of Kennex’s friend.


Dorian called him ‘my friend’ while stiffly making cut downs. Definitely jealousbot.


Douche cop is a douche some more, now with more shit to Dorian.

The Bends is enormously addictive. Looks like liquid in a glow stick.




MacKenzie Crook is going to cook.


Second Commercial break


Apparently this bar is an old west bar.


Douche Cop doesn’t like fedoras. Should have been a Heisenberg hat anyway.



This time Kennex does the throwing.

Dorian would be awesome for getting out of jury duty


Douche Cop is a douche some more. I think they are extending his part here but he is still a huge dick bag.

No hat. Yeah they have to be referencing Breaking Bad. If Gareth strips down to his underwear I am changing the channel.

The cook almost takes of an androids head.


Third Commercial break


It is his ass. Which is huge. That is a big ass to be on the line.


Kennex doesn’t like the fedora either. Or the glasses. But yet he still wears that stupid looking shoulder holster.

Tracking liquid probably shouldn’t go down like ippecac.


Drug droids are creepy.

And he fucked up right away. Anyone surprised by this?


And he just farted.


Dorian to the rescue. He is almost as bad an actor as Rudy.


That was a quick cook. 95% pure. It should have been blue though instead of green.

Bald Guy Pearce showed up out of nowhere. Maybe he is the Bishop. Or he may just like shooting people in the head.


Rudy is babbling now.

Apparently the ipecac also tastes like ipecac


Police moved in way too fast. Now Rudy is gone.


Fourth Commercial Break


Underground lab. Thankfully Rudy is not in his underwear.


GPS counter agent had to have come from someone on the force.

It is Aceveda. Damn. I was hoping for douche cop,

Rudy says he wants to get in bed with the Bishop. Given some of the stuff that happened on the Shield, that may not be such a gaff.


Rudy explains the art in cooking drugs.

Aceveda doesn’t buy it but thinks it is funny/

Rudy should really be playing it cooler than this. Oh wait, no he is fucked.

Gunshot to the arm. Ouch. Blood trails to follow are inconvenient when you are trying to hide. Luckily Bald Guy Pearce doesn’t pay attention.


Fifth Commercial Break


Operation Hide Behind the Android


Dorian knows right where Rudy is but takes a lead bipe to the back of the head.

Everybody was android fighting! It IS a little bit frightening


Kennex is getting his ass handed to him too.


Dorian has no problem hooking a droid’s head off.


Kennex has no problem shooting Aceveda in the dick.

And then the head. Mistrial my ass, I am shooting you in the face.


Rudy wants to go out and work with horses to beef up. That sounds suspect.


Taking Rudy out to celebrate at McQuaid’s hopefully an Irish Kuato will pop out.


Maybe fix Dorian’s face up first before going out to the bar?


And that is that. Not the best episode so far but it was still pretty awesome. I really dig this show.

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