The Walking Dead (AMC) S4:E7 *SPOILERS*


We start with Megan at the chess board with the governor washing clothes. “Your turn pumpkin.” “I’m thinking.”

Interspersed scene with Martinez at the pit. He helps them out.

“You can’t think forever. Sometimes you just have to make a move.” Governor tells her a bit about his upbringing with his father. “He used to beat me at everything.” “Was your dad mean?” “Sometimes.” “We’re you bad?” “Sometimes.”

Martinez is taken aback hearing Lilly call the governor “Brian.” One of Martinez’s men is Victor from Dollhouse.


“There’s two things you have to accept if you want to come with us. One — I’m in charge. Two — No dead weight. Can you live with that?”

Back to gov and Megan . “We’re gonna be ok.” “Because we’re good? All of us?” Gov walks away.

“Brian, it’s your turn.” “I’m thinking.”

Fucking great opening!


Governor is out with Martinez and his men, Victor from Dollhouse and Alvarez from Oz. They come up on a beheaded soldier tied to a tree. There is a sign hanging from his neck reading “LIAR.”


Back at the camp, we are introduced to a new girl, Alicia. She is an army reservist. Tara starts a dick measuring contest with her. Looks like they both win.

Another decapitated soldier, this one tied to a chair. His sign reads “RAPIST.” They walk up to a nearby cabin, and find another sopldier, this one with a gunshot wound to his head, holding the gun. His sign reads “Murderer.” Governor looks at the picture he is holding, of him and his family. They go upstairs to investigate a banging noise. Biters, of course. Governor saves Victor. Snapping decapitated heads on the floor.


Martinez and Gov. “If it was just you in the pit I wouldn’t bring you in. You seem different. Are you?” “I am.” “Good.” They found beer. Warm beer? Nasty. But still, Bob must be sad.


“You know how to regulate, don’t you Brian?”


Alvarez was in the army. “End of the world don’t mean shit when you got a tank.” “What did you do when things got bad?” they ask Gov. “I survived.”

Martinez getting a bit lippy about Woodbury. “The past is the past.” Gov not amused.

Martinez is drunk on now golfing off of the trailer. Tells Gov that Shumpert is dead. He wasn’t the same after Gov flipped out. Martinez took him out himself.


Martinez then questions why Brian would take on a family. “I couldn’t sleep knowing I would lose them.” “I’m not going to lose them.” Gov whacks Martinez in the head with a shovel and drags him over to the pit…”I DON’T WANT IT BACK!” The walkers devour Martinez.


Lilly and Megan find Brian crying. Blames it on a bad dream.

Victor tells the group Martinez was found in the pit. Must have gotten drunk and fell in. Victor wants to be new leader. There is a lot of bickering about this. He, Alvarez and the governor go hunting. Victor asks Gov for some help in leading. Alvarez is definitely bad cop to Victor’s good cop.



They come up on another camp. Alvarez wants to rob them. Victor vetoes the idea. Gov stays quiet. After a little more hunting they go back to the camp. Everyone is slaughtered, and all the supplies are gone. One of the guys is still struggling. Alvarez stabs him in the head. Victor is not happy.

Brian frantically enters his trailer and tells Lilly to pack their bags. Not safe here anymore. Driving off with Lilly, Tara, Megan and Alicia, who is apparently now in a relationship with Tara. As they are driving off they come up on a horde of walkers trapped in the mud. Gov gets out to look at them close.


Back at the trailer. Gov is putting his gun on. “What are you doing?” “Surviving.”

Gov enters Victor’s trailer to talk. Instead he stabs him in the gut and starts choking him. Well, guess he sided with Alvarez.

Governor shows up at Alvarez’s trailer, pointing a gun at him. tells him he killed his brother. “Men like your brother are always trying to do the right thing, even at the detriment of their own people.” He then forces Alvarez to smoke. Parenting advice from old cartoons?


“I’m running the camp, now. You won’t ever have to worry about doing the right or wrong thing. We will do the ONLY thing.” They will tell the camp Victor died from another camp. “People believe what they want to believe. Everybody loves a hero.”


Governor taking to camp, tells them there might be a better place for them to stay. If they are willing to fight for it. Megan is attacked by a walker. Governor shoots walker, but without any of the emotional attachment from earlier. Brian is dead. The Governor is back completely.

Governor stalking at the jail. Watches rick and Carl having their father-son moment. Then sees Michonne and Herschel. Governor pulls out and aims his gun.


Another fantastic episode. Next week (Or tonight, I’m sorry I was late!) they are teasing for the battle to happen as it shows Alvarez’s tank at the prison gates. Looks like they are going to finish off the governor storyline before bringing back Carol as a villain.


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