Paperboy Returns in Paperboy 3: The Hard Way

How can you not have a sense of nostalgia when you think back about the 80s, the sharp edged 8-bit graphics of NES and scanned line smoothness of VHS?

Close your eyes and drift back dear reader and imagine a simpler time, when paperboys braved neighborhoods full of weird crap and dangers…


Well, he’s back and back with a Charles Bronson sized Deathwish in this freaking sweet video from Silvermania and Newt of Midnight Show.

Justin and Newt wrote up a badass adaption that puts Paperboy in what looks like one of the best Street Vigilante 80s movie trailers since… well the 80s. The old school VHS feel, practical effects and soundtrack are top notch. Don’t forget to check out the last two podcasts with Newt, Episode 74 and Episode 75, and check out Midnight Show and Silvermania!

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