The Walking Dead (AMC) S4:E2 *SPOILERS*


And here we go with episode 2 of Season 4 : Revenge of the Nerd

nerdsStarting off at night…Outside prison walls…mystery person feeding a rat to the walkers.

And we go to Tyrese getting some action.  Then he ruins it by talking about people that have died.  And you wonder why you aren’t getting laid, Tyrese?

Now he’s singing to her.  You already mentioned dead kids, man, it’s over.

And she stonewalls him “not just yet”  Dead kid angle is a universal cock block.

Now she’s going into the bath area…with the dead nerd Patrick…She gives Tyrese blue balls and now she’s gonna get killed by the zombie Harry Potter

And he rises just like The Undertaker


Thank God somebody coughed and saved the pretty lady.  Now Patrick starts necking with this poor bastard.


– Opening Credits


Rick wakes up Carl.  Time to get to work.

More coughing in the prison.  Obviously not a good sign.

Back in the cell with Patrick.  He went to town on fat boy here.  Fat boy sits up and his intestines spill out to the floor.  Awesome.

Glenn watching Maggie while she sleeps.  Takes a picture with a Polaroid camera.  They are back in the Zombie Apocalypse, folks!


Going for a run.  Want any books? Comics?  Stale m&ms?  Big draw back of the zombie apocalypse?  No more good processed food.  This is the world you have wrought, you dirty Goddamn hippies.

Where’s Carl’s hat?  It’s not a borrowing hat.  Sick  burn?

picture026Rick talking about dirt and cucumbers.  This is so fucking boring.  If only something exciting would happen.

“Hey Dad…so like I’ve been good and all…can I have my gun back?”


*gunshots in prison*  good timing

“This is a good time to grab a shotgun”  *Evil Carl*

But he saves Michonne.  He tries to be human.

Carol going to have to amputate his arm to save him.

Oh shit.  Gonna have to amputate his head too.

Darryl saves Glenn. This prison looks an awful lot like Oz.


– Commercial Break


Darryl shooting them in the head to be sure they are dead dead

Rick’s turn with the knife.  Good tease not actually showing it.

“It’s happening isn’t it?”  Asks carol to raise his daughters “Like they’re yours.”

He’s a person and his name is Ryan


No bites on Patrick.  Sickness, must be an aggressive flu strain.

Sick pig cause it?  Pigs and birds.  Watch the hawks.

“Maybe we’re lucky”

3pjyvy“We’ve all been exposed”

OK, the little girls saying goodbye to their dad is pretty rough.

“We should be the ones.”  Damn.  getting hardcore.

This is pretty rough.  She can’t go through with it.  Carol seems kind of disappointed.

Patrick was fine yesterday.;  Not really fine…he did opt out of your story so he didn’t puke all over the place.

Have a quarantine of the exposed?  If it’s an airborne virus you’ve all been exposed.

Cell Block A : Death Row

“David from Decatur is coughing too”  Damn girl, just throw him right under the bus.

“we’re gonna have to call another meeting.”  yeah, I can see the problems this is going to end up causing.

“are you gonna wear gloves and mask?”  *grumble* yeah

“You ok?”  “gotta be.”


– Commercial


“we’re gonna bury your dad.  Honey, you’re weak.”  Said within 2 minutes of each other.  Damn girl your dad has been dad for MINUTES!  Get over it already.

“She;s messed up, not weak.”  Damn little sister getting in on the action.

Daryl digging graves.  Takes off his mask.  Rick not wearing mask.  But hey, who needs a mask anyway?  Totally overrated.


“RICK!  DARRYL!” Fence attack!

Are they just using stock footage at this point?  They seem to have this scene every episode.


Judith playing Cups by Anna Kendrick in the corner.

“It was stupid!” “You’re stupid”  Sick comeback, bro.

“what do you call somebody that lost a child?”

Dead rats everywhere near the fence.  Gonna give from all the zombies!  This would be a really bad time for a…


– Commercial Break


And the fence is just fine.  Psyche!  Got you!

“You gonna tell your dad like a giant pussy that I’m teaching kids how to kill?” “Nope”

“Im not asking you to lie.  I’m asking you to shut up.”

Michonne getting her Z90X workout going on in her cell.

Michonne don’t like babies.  Now she’s crying.  So she obviously had a baby die before we met her

Rick using the truck to drive away the zombies.  Using pigs as bate.  He cuts their leg instead of their throat.  Yeah, make them suffer asshole.  Carl is in the back playing the banjo.

deliverance banjo-boy-e1296452279364And now Rick has a sad.


– Commercial Break


“Lindsey these are walkers.”  Shit she doesn’t even know THAT much?

Carol puts a flower in her hair.  How cute

Lindsey grabs the knife to kill zombies.  She’s all growed up now.

themoreyouknow“Maybe we made the pigs sick!”  That’s true.  Someone needs to think about the pigs!

And Carl is tattling to his dad like the giant pussy Carol warned him not to be.

“You’ll say it isn’t up to you…but it can be.”

“I won’t stop this”

Step One:  Successfully stroke dad’s ego to get my gun back.

“Here, have this back”  This couldn’t go wrong at all.

breaking-bad-todd-1We’re back to Tyrese, checking on his girlfriend.

Oh shit, lots of blood.

Something smoking…oh shit, their bodies.


– End Credits


Who is the mysterious rat feeder who burned Tyrese’s girlfriend?  What crazy shit is Carl going to do now that he has a gun?  Do Carol’s new “daughters” give her life more purpose?  Slow build to the season so far big time.  Not everything has to be quick paced but Im surprised there doesn’t seem to be a season long arch introduced yet, except maybe the saboteur from within.  We will see if next week picks up the pace.


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