Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (ABC) S1:E4 *SPOILERS*

Good evening, folks!

With Charles otherwise engaged this evening you are stuck with me for the play by play this week.

We start in Sweden. About a dozen very well dressed men in red kubuki masks. This is apparently perfectly normal in Sweden as nobody is even remotely alarmed by this. Seriously, Sweden?

And now we are going down into the Subway. Avengers! Come out and plaaaaaaay!

iPod woman kicks some ass! And the furies are defeated! Hopefully we don’t get all Fruitvale Station here now.

And she is off free.

Meanwhile, back at the Hall of Justice

Coulson flirting with Melinda. She wants “solitude.” Harsh. Coulson slinks away, defeated.

iPod woman closed her eyes on her death spree. Telepath? “It’s either random or totally important.” That’s to you, audience!

Coulson picked the mission all on his own. Things must be slow at SHIELD this time of year.

Great call on how easy it is to spy on citizenry in the days of Facebook and Instagram.

And it’s Coulson’s former pupil turned diamond thief

– Commercial Break

iPod woman faked her death…or is she rebuilt like robothief?


Coulson takes this one to heart. Just like last week. And the week before. This time it’s personal, again.

Aww…Skye is jealous. “She’s nothing like you. She’s smart, talented, fearless..” OUCH!.

And Coulson has a sad 🙁

iPod ninja has desolving golf balls. Can’t knock the hustle.



Water bottle bathrooms. Classy.

Does she have a “gift?”

And she GTA’s them into the ditch.


– Commercial break


Skye seems kind of excited she was being watched. Now excited to watch back. Kinky, ABC.

Camera in her eyeball. She IS robothief!

The technology is at least a decade ahead. Interestingly about a decade old as a sci-fi trope.

“Bring her in.” “Take her out”  “We protect our own” “She isn’t one of us.” Sexual tension. Will they or won’t they?



She’s not being watched. She’s being controlled.

“We were a van shaped pinata”

Coulson “values really old stuff”

They put a “failsafe” in her.



“You should have stayed in bed”

so there’s a killswitch implanted in her eye.

“They” implanted this with me. They keep using the “they” pronoun excessively. no clue who “they” are. [Charles]HYDRA JUST SAY IT’S HYDRA [/Charles]

The controller is an Englishman. A fat Englishman. With fat little sausage fingers.

And another needle into an eyeball.

Grant in trouble. “help.”


– Commercial


“seduce, not kill” Skye is all about sex this episode

“mission complete. Good luck” and left to fend for him (her?) self


mission accomplished banner 23423423
“Which way is south?”

He doesnt seem all that fat actually. Oh shit, he’s dead. That was quick.

AC, because he’s so cool. Lamest rapper ever.

And we are done! Next week we have a firestarter apparently. Pretty decent episode I thought. I like the kind of X Files feel of some of the episodes.  We’ll see you next week!




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