Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (ABC) S1:E2 *SPOILERS*


Here we go folks, back to a few beers and let’s get this play by play kicked off proper with some SanTan Mr. Pineapple.

Let’s take a C17 and add some additional engines, why not? Unless you know one of those eningines gets some something caught in it. Like an Asgardian bird or maybe the Vulture? At least that wasn’t the Falcon caught in the engine. Technically Stark is a consultant and super awesome versus Sky who is a slight bit annoying. The companions are roomates for our Sky aka the Hacker. Phil is the mastermind Handsomeface, stow that shit. I’m sick and tired of these motherfucking interns not cleared for fighting on my motherfucking planes! Wait, come on guys… Phil died, right?


Talking about Thor’s hammer, right. Or is this a Whedon hammer joke. Bit of a rough landing in the desert. Are we near Wakanda at all? Because you know…


Field team leader is going to look for better parking, in a village in the middle of nowhere. I like her style. I hate paying for parking too. Oh damn, it’s our Viking professor… oh nope. False alarm. Looks like some HYDRA tech to me right there in this here temple. Wait, 1500 years but the craftsmen ship is German. Handsomeface is great at icebreaking conversation, NOT. Guerilla fighting action, man I wish it was Gorilla though. Never not take a gun to a Guerilla Warfare fight.


Commercial Break number one and beer number two. Thor: Dark World preview. Looking good and not a whole lot revealed. I’m sorry the Goldbergs still doesn’t look funny.

We are back to the stand off and Hotlady Guerilla leader strolls out for some camo business. Dude Phil speaks Spanish AND knows Hotlady Guerilla leader. Wait, the thing on the door is alive? Ah, so they are the national police, makes more sense with the S.H.I.E.L.D. connection. Handsomeface is not a fan of Skyhacker, can’t say that I am big time on either but she has improved a bit since last episode.

Apparently, the Guerillas did finally show up. Handsomeface doesn’t seem to understand caution and just rips potentially explosive things out of walls. Shots fired! Man, this S.H.I.E.L.D. team is prety solid. Wait, that looked like some Asgardian/HYRDA tech there with the pimpcane.

Lexus, for all your Spy/Secret/Hero needs. Roll down a window to cool off the explosive thingy. Wheels up hot in five, Coulsin is making a run for it, but the three Guerillas could have taken down all those trained soliders. Gamma radiation!

Commercial break number two.

BACK TO THE SKY! Well, not her yet. Love that they are using the Teserach tech to explain a lot of this. Mei aka Field Team Leader is not to pleased to have been involved with gunplay. Handsomeface is still being alpha male dickcheese why do I get a feeling that Phil’s friend isn’t so much of a friend. Phil gets the Breakfast Club under control and it’s back to Sky using the cipher for us into the other characters. Hopefully these kids will finish their essays to get them to Phil. Love that they are using some Iron Man esque HUD tech to examine. Good to see that is in the budget. Handsomeface doesn’t read Hunger Games, but he’s willing to have a lady purchase him a water. Skyhacker tries to explain what the Rising Tide is and they are Anonymous or something.


Handsomeface explains that he is suppose to be the solution, Mei does have to be on the stick. HEY-O. Ha! Phil glues all his collectibles down. I knew it, the national police are secret Guerillas. Mei gets gassed while on the stick, not cool at all. They DID have history but Phil having a team changes that? Wait did they cook meth in that RV? Walt is going to be pissed.


Commercial break number 3, extra dubstep mountain dew commercial is a bit overbearing.

Wait, that is some mouth blood out of Phil. If it bleeds we can’t kill him, yet. Haha, seriously back to the breakfast club. Mei is the calvary! WHAT DOES IT MEAN?! Team work action, go! Everyone wants to rule stuff with bombs, that NEVER works out. You only get Hulks and Lokis. Damn, Mei kicks some serious ass. Easily the best character. LMDs can’t have a midlife crisis or can they? Yes! Yes! “A common enemy”, damn if Phil doesn’t know how some team building works. Triple iPad controls the tiny robot from Batteries Not Included!


Damnit Phil, don’t you die on us again! Unless we know for sure if you’re an LMD or not!

Commercial break number 4, man ABC really rakes in the doe here. Beer number 3, switched it up a bit with a Quilter’s Irish Death from Iron Horse Brewery.

Umm, hole in the plane still. Seriously, hole in the plane. Yeah I think Phil has got this he’s seen worse.  Handsomeface is a good fighter, still hasn’t earned my respect yet. Man I had a feeling this episode was going to go all Snakes on Plane belly up with a giant hole in it. Trust the annoying hacker! Mei bascially says fuck your 9/11 style bullshit and retakes the cabin. I think all of NYC roared with applause.

Seatbelts may need to be unbuckled in case of an emergency. Jesus a liferaft, umm…. the material of the raft cannot plug that hole. Coaster, always a coaster. Phil’s team IS good. They are coming together nicely. Lola is safe, I’m with Phil thank god. Ha, phil just pulled a gentlemen never asks and a lady never tells G-man style. That is classified! Ok, Mei has faith in Handsomeface. Maybe I will cut him some more slack next time. 381 PCE, what does that mean for the plate? I’m glad that they can show these cats having a beer. Rocket into space! Sky, you disappoint. You are the Fredo of this show!




 SAMUEL L. MOTHERFLIPPING JACKSON! Damnit Phil, you kill that fish tank.


Final thoughts: This week while not as world building was a great improvement from last week. We go to see some team dynamic and why exactly Phil assembled these secret Avengers.

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