Poker Night at the Inventory 2 (Xbox 360)



Summary [9 out of 10]

Poker Night at the Inventory 2 is the latest offering from Telltale Game of The Walking Dead fame. It is a follow up to Poker Night at the Inventory, returning is Reginald Van Winslow from Tales of Monkey Island fame as the purveyor of The Inventory. Assisting with dealer duties is GLaDOS of Portal infamy and behind the bar is Mad Moxxi from Borderlands.


What Is It Like?

Poker Night at the Inventory.

Also, playing Texas Hold’em with people most likely more interesting than your friends.


The Great

Characters: Brock Samson, Sam, Claptrap and Ashley J. Williams. Yes, you read that right; this is an all-star cast having some hilarious interactions. The combination of awesome here greatly outweighs the cast of the first game, which wasn’t too shabby. For those maybe unfamilar let me give a brief rundown of the cast. Brock Samson, voiced by the amazingly talented Patrick Warburton, is best described by the following statement, “Half Swedish, quarter Polish, quarter Winnebago!” Sam, one half of the Freelance Police  and easily the more level headed of the two. Claptap, of charminly annoying Borderlands fame. Last but easily not least. Ashley J. Williams, from Evil Dead and Army of Darkness fame. Bruce Campbell.


The Good

Game play: Eventually things tend to repeat, in real life you have to suffer through bad card interaction, but this isn’t real life so you can skip hands and games if the conversation gets a bit boring for you.


The Texas Hold’em mechanics are solid, betting and hands are straight forward if you are a card shark. If not each hand and the outcome is explained. Omaha hold ’em is a bit less familar than it’s Texas cousin and takes a bit to get into.

The Bad

Replay ability: Things may get stale after you begin racking up the playthroughs, once or twice the dialogue algorithm seemed a bit weak. However the bounty trophies can help extend the play-ability somewhat.


The Randomly Awesome

Borderlands 2 unlocks. Seriously, amazingly awesome. They dropped the ball on the Gunzerker/Brock skin. Should have been 1.) Swedish Murder Machine 2.) Brockness Monster.


Conclusion [9 out of 10]

This game is well worth the price tag of $19.99 for the character interactions alone, include the fact that you have a decent poker game and it is pretty well justified. I would not be too surprised to see a summer sale for this title if you give it a bit longer, but why would you wait around to see Ash and Brock try and determine who has a higher body count?


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