Far Cry 3 (Xbox 360)


Summary [9 out of 10]


Far Cry 3 is the latest installment in the Far Cry franchise and combines elements of the first and second game, in so much as the mechanics of the second and the setting of the first game.

This is the second title to come out of Ubisoft Montreal and is substantially better than Assassin’s Creed III, it contains some similar elements but lacks the issues present in ACIII.


What Is It Like?

The Saboteur, Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood, Skyrim and Grand Theft Auto IV. It belongs in great company and it sure does it older siblings proud.

The Great

Game Play: Wow, this game has insanely tight gameplay. For the most part everything functions like it should; in terms of climbing, shooting, swimming, running and stealth. You have a bunch of great instruments at your disposal once you begin to scout around and level up. Ubisoft did things right in rewarding exploration and side quests with free upgrades for weapons. Everybody likes in game rewards and upgrades that make you more powerful.


Graphics: The tropical setting is beautiful and tranquil, ironic against the background of the violence and carnage you paint upon its residents and animals. Each geographic location is unique and well-crafted, which makes it a bit hard to take advantage of those fast travel locations.


The Good

Pacing: In general the story moves along okl, there is supose to be a sense of urgency as part of your story is rescuing your kidnapped family and friends but I must confess to time spent stealthy on a big game hunts in the vein of the The Ghost and The Darkness. You can finish things up at your own pace but you should take advantage of the sidequests that upgrade your character.


Characters: Vaas Montenegro (played by the brilliant Michael Mando), an insane student of psychological warfare who continues to ask you the definition of insanity. This cat is dangerous and really wants to see you pushing daisies.  This guy should have been the main boss, PERIOD. The hatred and rivalry between these two characters is incredibly intense. For some bonus awesome, check out this web series featuring Christopher Mintz-Plasse and Michael Mando. Sam Becker, a Texas born German/Navy Seal badass (don’t ask, just play) who is probably one of my favorite NPCs of all time. This dude just makes the second half of the game insanely fun and crazy. I hope in some kind of alternate universe Becker teams up with Sean Devlin from the previously mention The Saboteur. It would make Kane and Lynch crap in their substantially less badass pants.


The Bad

The Story: I felt like overall is was the weak link of the game, a lot of your family and friends come off as kind of whiney and difficult to bother putting your ass on the line for them. The second half seems to lag a bit despite the addition of Sam ‘Blitzkrieg’ Becker. Also, I need to give some honorable mention to the ending there is a payoff in reviewing either ending which I did not expect from this title.


The Randomly Awesome

The freaking wingsuit! There is nothing as satisfying as becoming flying squirrel man to take down the bad guys.


Conclusion [9 out of 10]

This game has a huge amount of awesome to it, it is difficult for me to fathom this and Assassins Creed III came out of the same studio. Despite the few criticisms about the story, two well executed characters really help put some much needed fuel into the fire. Grab this game, let your brain wind down and just have some mindless fun flipping your Jeep off a cliff into a family of wild boar and then springing out to rain lead down on some pirates.


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