The Gentlemen Radio Episode 1: The Avengers…and Little Else

So here it is, the first episode of the Buzz Media’s new podcast the Gentlemen Radio. This episode, while epic, is our dry run/proof of concept first effort so there are some rough edges and format issues to iron out. In this installment the Gentlemen tackle the movie with the highest grossing first and second weekend of all time and just a great super hero movie the Avengers. Future episodes will cover a wide range of media topics including movies, video games, TV, comics, music and maybe the occasional donkey show. Well, probably not donkey shows. Because we are still playing with the format for the show, your feedback is vital for bringing you the best show possible. Hit us up in the comment section with your thoughts so we can give you not only the experience you need but also the one you deserve.

Because we apparently decided not to identify ourselves in the pod cast itself, the Gentlemen are: Charles Lynch, J Patrick Ohlde and Jeffrey Stephenson.

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