Haywire Movie Review
If you are going to have an action film with almost no story then you need to deliver wall to wall action to make up for it. Haywire does not […]
If you are going to have an action film with almost no story then you need to deliver wall to wall action to make up for it. Haywire does not […]
2012 has started out pretty rocky for films. The cineplexes are currently clogged with the dreck of the year just like every January/February, months which are widely held as the […]
Contraband is a forgettable middle of the road crime thriller heavy on the crime and light on the thrills. Following a plot rehashed from dozens of other crime movies, most […]
Summary [7.5 out of 10]: Uncharted 3 is the disappointing third game in an otherwise incredible series. I love Uncharted. I bought my PS3 with the express purpose of playing […]
Okay here we go. Same deal as the list of my favorite movies. This are not the objective worst films of the year but rather the ones that I liked […]
Alright, it is that time of year again when I look back on the year and pick out my 10 favorites put them in a vaguely arbitrary order and post […]
A rollicking adventure with great animation, 3D and the most badass terrier ever, the Adventures of Tin Tin provides a nice distraction from heavy awards season pictures and abysmal overly […]
Generally, despite their failure to approach real quality, the Twilight movies have tended to get better with each installment owing mostly to better directors taking the helm. Sadly, with Breaking […]
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