I Am Not Looking for the Holy Grail but Walmart Seems to Think I Am
It is a well known fact that our country is currently in dire straights economically. There are many reasons for this from unchecked corporate spending to bad tax policies but […]
It is a well known fact that our country is currently in dire straights economically. There are many reasons for this from unchecked corporate spending to bad tax policies but […]
Summary [9.8 out of 10] Bethesda’s take on the Fallout series re-imagined as a spiritual successor to the Elder Scrolls series, Fallout 3 looks a bit suspect on paper. It […]
Far be it from me to disparage someone’s dream. We all have dreams. One of mine is to somehow be financially solvent after two divorces and a devastated job market. […]
Okay, in all fairness, it was probably not worth the wait at all. Of course, that in turn implies that there was a wait, which is probably also non-existent. All that being said, […]
Summary [8.5 out of 10] The first Fable game is known just as well for its list of unfulfilled promises as its solid and fun game play. Fable 2 finally […]
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