Almost Human (FOX) S1 E7 *Spoilers*


And here we go.


Douche cop holding court right out of the gates. Kennex hates him as much as I do. Nice back and forth. Dorian takes it to the next level and punches Douche Cop right in the face. Apparently partially charged Dorian equals punching Douche Cop. I approve.


Dorian is very upset that MXes get power priority over DRMs. He is not happy to have to stay with the MXs. Now he wants to move into Kennex’s place. This is heading into Odd Couple territory. Kennex doesn’t want to let him because of his football trophies. Kennex is so caught up in former glory that he misses that Dorian is passing out. Robots who pass out may be a bit too human.


Rich dick gets sprayed in the face by a homeless dude. He is now either dealing with Jigsaw or he is getting caught up in Logan’s Run. I am having Getaway flashbacks *shudder*


Ramon has to hold up the bank where he works with a goofy looking mustard gun. Wouldn’t it be easier to have him use his status as an employee to rob the place?


Kennex and Dorian are on the scene. Dorian has a PA system in his head apparently.


This car chase is already 140% more exciting in anything in Getaway.



Dorian doesn’t have the time to disarm the bomb and tells Kennex to put up the shield. Are they going to let this guy die? Yep. Bomb shield is pretty badass.


Creepy guy from the Dark Knight is the bad guy. That guy is creepy as shit. He is also broadcasting the killings on the internet. This episode is a mishmash of bad thrillers but is better than all of them combined.



Dorian can analyze the spray toxin by touching it. He is acting like a baby. His emotions are all out of whack.

Holy crap they are really pushing Bit Coins on this show.


Douche Cop has the tact and charisma of a 2 X 4 to the back of the head.  He also looks creepy as shit.

Darknet. Sounds like a soft core porn. In the future, snuff films are on youtube. No big deal.

Gareth tells us the stuff Dorian already did. Dorian still wants to move in with Kennex. Rudy doesn’t think it is a bad idea.

Dorian is being a huge dick.


Creepy killer is fucking with them through a juke box. Playing games with Kennex and Dorian.



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Every rose has its holographic thorn…just like every solar flare fucks up cell phone service. Even in the future coverage blows.


That is a super low tech gas mask for this show.


Nothing is worse when you have a collar bomb than to have to start a flash mob.


This guy from the Dark Knight is never not creepy as all hell. I would like to see him as a romantic comedy lead. Maybe Tim Burton could direct?


Dorian is trying to disarm the bomb but his low power is causing problems. Luckily Rudy is helping too.

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Kennex is essentially a cheerleader at this point. Uh oh, the victim is spilling the beans.

Rudy is wearing riding gloves in the lab now apparently. As if he needed more help looking odd.

Victim is calling killer out as creepy. He starts having a conniption.

Dorian is starting to really lose it now. Kennex is lending a helping hand and immediately fucks it up. Five seconds left. and it is off.

Creeper is not a happy guy.Dorian is and is very huggy.


Creeper is REALLY not happy.


Douche Cop makes a bad joke and Dorian laughed way too much, which is to say at all. The captian worries Dorian is safe. She thinks he might be turning into Joe.


Dorian is starting to have massive voice issues. Douche Cop can’t bear to not be a douche for 45 seconds.

The Amazon drone blew up an RV. Pretty sure that is how Amazon Drone deliveries will work.


UH OH! Kennex just got Scarecrowed and is now in Creeper custody.

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Kennex is gone. Douche Cop doesn’t care that much. Dorian finds Kennexs tracking chip. Shit just got real.


Kennex got fitted for a collar. Either it is gong to explode or he is set to do Cyberpunk Shakespeare in the park.  KEnnex is chained to the bench.

Creeper is creepy while laying down the law.  Creeper obviously learned from being in the Dark Knight and pulled the classic villain blunder of ‘giving the hero the tools to foil  his elaborate plan to escape.

Creeper is in the clocktower. This is not original. I am also not impressed that bomb technology has come along so slowly.

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Kennex just made an erection joke while trying to disarm the bomb. That is classy.

Dorian only has 15% charge left but he can still climb the tower like Ezio.


Creeper is really lame and can’t argue for shit. Also he is a huge cry baby.

Dorian used the last bit of charge to electrocute Creeper and Kennex disarms the collar with only two seconds left. Unlikely.


Kennex is having drinks with the Captain. He had better watch it or she will be singing about how much he lies…when he cries.

Touching moment with Captain is touching.


Dorian is going to move in with Rudy. Kennex thinks this is hilarious. So do I.


AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND scene. Thanks for coming back guys!

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