Almost Human (FOX) S1E5


And here we go

Creepy droid bank.

Kennex is waiting and not happy about it. He is going to go find his droid.

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEW creepy Ken Doll body!


They are replacing Dorian’s chest plate.


Kennex calls out the Ken Doll body. I am not sure what bothers me the most: The Ken body or the fact that they still have Ken dolls and Barbies in the future.

HEYOOOO Dorian is puling his junk out in the squad car. Apparently he is a shower in more ways than one.

It is pretty creepy when Dorian does other people’s voices when he is making fun of his partner for liking his partner.


Lily Taylor in court testifying against a guy who looks like a Ken Doll. They are really pushing the envelope.


Lily Taylor is really going for it on the stand. Wiped the smile right off that creepy fucker’s face.


The witness green room just got sexy. Psychic sexy.

Bangs does not care for the ‘medium psychic.’

Something is going to go down.

Creepy McDoucheken is creepy.


UH OH, hologram testimony doesn’t mean shit when they find the safehouse with a shot gun. Bangs gets launched across the room and Douche McCreepyken is amused.  I think he uses smarm to gel his hair.


Commercial Break

Dorian is searching for a heat signature in the woods. Thankfully he is not doing it with his penis.

It doesn’t take a psychic to find a psychic.


Kennex has to deal with Douche Cop. I think he needs to look into a new tie.



MXes are not all that sturdy. Except for Dorian who is an outdated model but still manages to be way more badass than current MXes up to and including packing a dick.


Captain Lily Taylor is talking to the prisoner and he is pulling a Hannibal Lecter. I know Hannibal Lecter and you sir are no Hannibal Lecter. He is using rudimentary deductive reasoning to tell her about herself. Not even cold reading. And she is shaken. Joe would be so disappointed in her.Even though he lies. When he cries.



Psychic floats the petite psychic line again. Kennex has no sense of humor and Dorian in an android. Turns out she has some brain enhancements to give her psychometry and the ability to talk to spirits. Kennex isn’t buying it though.


Mackenzie Crook is more like Mackenzie Crack in this. amirite?


Turns out Ethan Avery was in the room according to voice recognition. Is the one in jail an android? Life Model Decoy?


Commercial Break

There are androids and people are asking about a twin brother? Now clones? Apparently clones are  a thing? So it is more likely a clone than an android duplicate?


Psychic is not taking any of Douche Cop’s shit. It is probably the tie.


Douche Cop can’t be bothered to keep the witness in the police station. Luckily Dorian has more police work in his glowy face than Douche Cop has in his entire body.


Kennex was a bubble away from ‘Dead or alive you are coming with me.’ Technically he is cyborg so he is close enough to Robocop.


Psychic is giving Kennex a reading and he is too absorbed to notice the BIG SCARY VAN FULL OF THUGS ABOUT TO AMBUSH.

Psychic takes a bullet. I know it is cliche to say but she should have seen that shit coming…I mean they were right in front of her firing bullets at her.

Looks like the attacker they downed is Avery. Apparently cloning isn’t as hard as everyone seems to think.


Commercial Break

Avery tracked them somehow. My bet is he is tracking Dorian somehow.

The Captain has an introspective moment in the office.


Dorian sitting with the psychic in the hospital. She is still spinning crazy and now she’s over sharing. She is way too creepy to be strictly attractive.

What so you are saying that the ability to speak to dead people is both a blessing and a curse? Nooo.


Fire trumps psychics.

Irony tears are the worst tears of all.


Kennex’s car is clean.  The police com, on the other hand, is FILTHY with bad signals.


Cloning project has been going on for 20 years with Douche McKendoll. If Darth Tyrannus has anything to do with this I am going to shit myself.


Commercial Break

Avery calls Kennex. apparently Kennex is on speed dial. ‘Bring me to us or we will kill her.  This is like a fucked up Mutiplicity.


Douche Cop thinks a helicopter is a good idea. These fuckers can clone but he thinks they can’t see a fucking helicopter?

Douche Cop continues being a douche. They have called him by his name about 12oo times this episode so they must be trying to rehabilitate his image. I think he should probably be killed off.


Kennex cuts a deal with the real Avery. The Averys are good on their word and bring Stahl. Kennex is double crossing them with a hologram. CALL BACK!


Commercial Break

Running out of run way here guys. Holograms are tricky that way.  Fucking birds fly through the holograms. Even in the future sparrows are dicks.


Dorian ran the van down and then punchsploded it all over everywhere. Dorian is way stronger than I thought.


Psychic fingers Avery in jail. His clones are pretty freaked out about Super Cop punching their van and blowing it up. I can’t blame them.


Trial is over and Psychic takes another run at Kennex. Kennex shows no interest.  Like a boss.


Lily Taylor is dressing Douche McCloney face down something fierce.



Awww Dorian gave psychic some of her parents’ stuff so now she can talk to them. I wish it were that easy.

Great, genuine moment.


Uh oh Stahl is rolling up heavy on Kennex. Time to get their drank on. Kennex thinks the psychic vision is coming true. That is how vague predictions work, you can make them fit with an impromptu date.


Another solid episode. This is easily my favorite new show this season. So good. Thanks for reading!


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