Tomb Raider (Xbox 360) Review


Summary [9 out of 10]

It has been 17 years since a game that was simply titled ‘Tomb Raider’ appeared on PC, Sega Saturn and Playstation. Lara Croft is back in a big way and vastly improved, she isan awesome kickass protagonist that goes from victim to action hero ala Danny Glover in Predator 2.


Croft is equal parts John McClane and Doc Savage, a reluctant ass-kicking hero and brainy daredevil that enjoys the thrill of adventure.

What Is It Like?

Apparently, a bit like the Uncharted series. For me it felt like it was in the similar vein of some stealth Gears of War mission minus the huskiness of Marcus and the huskiness that is John DiMaggio’s voice.

The Great

Game Play: Right out of the gates this game is all about survival. Many comparisons have been made to the Uncharted series, which I have not played, but this piques my curiosity. Stealth is greatly rewarded in this game because of the eavesdropping you are treated to, this also awards you an opportunity to gain the element of surprise. Another reward is taking your time to complete sidequests. Puzzle solving and raiding tombs just like the good old days. The transitions between running, climbing, shooting and hiding are smooth and rarely do you find yourself in a bind due to game mechanics.


Graphics: Whoa, the level designs here are spectacular and beautiful. Each encampment you travel too has a unique layout and feel to it. No repeats here folks and going back to explore when they are a ghost town really has its own reward. One of the most interesting transitions comes from the encampments into the tombs. There is a kind of an open-air time capsule transition that is sublimely beautiful. I am a history buff so rewinding back through World War II and beyond really tickles my fancy.


The Good

Side Quests: Nothing like raiding them tombs, but in all seriousness this is a rare occurrence that I aimed for 100% completion on all upgrades and skills. It just felt right given the nature of the game.


Pacing: The story moves along a great pace, never once did I feel bad for not taking my time to complete a sidequest. Sure your friends are AWOL and what not but an archeologist has got to discover some treasure.


The Story: Wow. I mean, wow. This is really a top notch survivalist horror’s dream. The unrelenting dread is somewhat present with some mysteriously evil elements but the true danger is pretty much around every corner. Hell, you even start the narrative up the creek and have to scavenge for a while before finding your paddle.



The Bad

Supporting Cast: These folks kind of get the shaft here, as they generally do in video games. Most of your story is driven by a psycho, a douche and a damsel. They’re not bad characters and collecting their personal journals does lend them some weight but otherwise they are mostly deadweight.


Multiplayer: Honestly, this does have some effort put into it. Again, the level design is great but the shooting mechanics from single player just do not translate to the style of play that is needed for effective multiplayer.

The Randomly Awesome

That Rhianna Pratchett is the scribe, good friend to the podcast on this site Susan and Josh have pointed out that I really need to read some Discworld and I may based on the connection there. Internet it up for yourself!

Conclusion [9 out of 10]

Easily a top contender for game of the year, I write this even after having completed Bioshock Infinite, which was amazing by the way. Gameplay mechanics are beyond solid, sidequests are engaging and worthwhile. The story, while controversial before release is a great reboot of the franchise and has me chomping at the bit for the follow up.


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