All-Nite Scream-o-rama Postmortem

The Gates of Hell (aka The City of the Dead) (1980)

Directed by Lucio Fulci who gave us zombie vs shark in Zombi 2, the Gates of Hell is maybe the most incomprehensible mess I have ever seen in my life. MC for the Scream-o-rama Jeff remarked after it was over that the movie could have ended at any time and it would have made exactly the same amount of sense. Ostensibly it is about a priest who hung himself and who’s zombie-ghost-spirit is wreaking havoc on the town of Dunwich and it is up to a rag tag bunch of incidentally connected people to try to stop him from doing whatever it is he is doing before the gates of hell open up although with as boring as this movie is I can’t say that would be such a bad thing. There is some good gore here and some interesting effects shots but generally it is a boring mess. It also seems to be trying to tie itself in with HP Lovecraft but in the end it really had nothing to do with it at all. I really couldn’t wait for it to be over but mostly that was because I really wanted to get home because my stomach felt like it was full of a live porcupine that really wanted out.

The Scream-o-rama was a great time and the movies were generally awesome and mostly hilarious. They also apparently really liked the ‘skull’ theme for their movie posters. I am really glad I stayed all the way until the end and I feel like it is kind of a badge of honor. I can’t wait to see what they have in store for us next year.

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