All-Nite Scream-o-rama Postmortem

The whole thing was very fun to watch and very amusing but suffered just slightly from the fact that the second contestant did such a wonderful job that it raised the bar way too high. He showed up in a dress and gave a great performance and that just stole the show. The rest of the contestants brought something special to the mix and all of them did something good and unique (including one blind co-ed who was out in just a bra) but that second guy just killed.

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Part 2 (1986)

I’ve never seen any of the other Massacre films before and it has long been a blemish on an otherwise well watched horror resume. Now that I have seen part 2 I am having a hard time understanding what in the hell I watched. Dennis Hopper plays a detective on the trail of the cannibalistic family who killed his family members years and years ago. He meets a radio DJ who believes she heard Leatherface killing a couple of douche bags live on the air. When Leatherface and his brother Chop Top (the always awesome Bill Moseley)  show up to kill her at the radio station she learns she is right. The two separately track down the killers and infiltrate their hide out at an old amusement park where they are chopping people up and making them into chili. This movie isn’t so much scary as it is just really gross. Also very, very silly. It also explores what happens when a Final Woman appeals to her mentally challenged attacker’s sense of stunted attraction and sexuality.

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