Patrick's 20 Favorite Action Movies

01. Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)

There was a time when I was younger, this was obviously during high school, when I had a lot more free time and disposable income than I have now. I went to the movies a lot because I love movies and I love the theater experience. I like watching movies at home but for me nothing will ever beat seeing something on the big screen with an audience. So back in those days I would see movies multiple times in the theater if I liked it. The most I usually saw something was maybe four times. I saw Terminator 2 23 times in the theater. That is how much I love that movie. The first time I had really heard about it was at a Star Trek convention (shut up) where they showed the trailer and I was completely hooked. The special effects just blew my mind. The action scenes were complex and awesome and the story kicked ass. I liked the Terminator but holy shit Terminator 2 blew it out of the water. Robert Patrick’s T-1000 was just the coolest thing in the world to me back then and I think it holds up enormously well today. It is really hard to convey the level of fanaticism I have for this movie in words but it led to a friend of mine and I sitting down and writing a line for line parody of it called Refrigerator 2: Defrosting Day and that shit was hilarious. We started doing it as a ‘radio play’ but while our voice acting was on point, we couldn’t get the special effects right. This movie and my balls out obsession with it was cited by my first girlfriend (we were together for two years,  shut up) as one of the things she was happy to never hear about again when we broke up. She also cited Ren and Stimpy clearly proving I was on the better side of the taste wagon I think. James Cameron is getting a lot of backlash shit for Avatar because people want to hate on awesome movies but I think the man is a master and in all deference to how great I though Avatar was, T2 remains his masterwork. It is hands down my favorite action movie of all time.

Okay so that is my list. If you agree or disagree, let me know in the comments and put up your lists of favorite action movies.

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  1. The Professional? I effing HATED that movie SO MUCH!!!! UGH. You know when you think a movie is just so bad that it makes you angry that you watched it? That is how I feel about The Professional.

    I just don’t DIG movies like that as a general rule.

    1. Given that you never saw the Matrix because it ‘didn’t look even remotely good’ I think it is safe to say this whole list is probably not material you would dig.

    1. GJ: As I said above: I tried to keep it to movies that didn’t stray too far into other their own sub-genre where I could, for instance I avoided primarily martial arts movies as they deserve their own list.

      Ninja Assassin definitely goes on the martial arts list which currently doesn’t exist.

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